What Are We Having??

Lima Bean

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday Night

I hate Diet Coke in a can but I will drink one if that is my only option.
We live less than 3 minutes away from a 7-11 so It is easy for me to get a fresh fountain DC. I keep my cup so I don't have to pay the whole drink price. I have all the cup sizes, so depending on my mood I can get the drink that best fits that moment. If it's midterms/finals I get the Big Ass Gulp, and I may go back a few times that night/week. Tonight I feel like a Medium would be appropriate.

I hope my friend with the mullet is working tonight. He gives me 10% off of the refill price. I may name my first born after him. Mullet Guy Robinson...sounds better when you say it after a fresh sip from your 7-11 Diet Coke.


Emily said...

It sounds worthy of naming your firstborn after. I have a cold one in a can, I hate bottles. Glass bottles rock though. Have you ever had a glass bottle of DC? It's heavenly. The McD's by my house has pretty good DC, and randomly Bombay House has like the best fountain DC I've ever had...hahaha. I'm a nerd.

cAsSy said...

That cracks me up! I think McD's puts extra additives in it to make it even better. I hate their food but I love their DC.

Jenn said...

i love diet dr pepper ... and hmm wonder where you got your love of diet coke from ;) hehehe ....

cAsSy said...

Yep, Grandma sucked me into her addiction. I used to steal her's when she wasn't looking. It started young. I had my first taste at 3 and by 7 I was hooked.